#cat & louse
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bubblymaika · 23 days ago
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shreksstepfather · 2 months ago
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A few pages of my thoughts about the last of a kind.
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ducklooney · 1 year ago
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Huey Duck from Quack Pack - Icons
I know I owe another Duck brother from the Quack Pack, and the oldest brother at that. It's Huey Duck and I'm uploading pictures or icons of his character from the underrated series Quack Pack, from the episode "Cat & Louse" that refers to him. In fact, he has Ailurophobia, or the fear of cats, and was afraid of black cats in particular since he was a little boy, until he overcame his fear. However, he has a slight sneeze and an allergy to cats. Poor him. Yes, Dewey and Louie helped him a lot to overcome that fear and Huey managed to get Raven, the pet black cat of the cruel Andre Demouche, to his side. I definitely recommend that you watch that series and that episode who hasn't yet.
As with Dewey and Louie Duck, I put a photo of the icons (icons of Huey Duck) here, although some are more repetitive. So if someone needs it, feel free to use it, but for GOOD PURPOSES, NOT FOR NEGATIVE. Yes, all the impressions and feelings from the oldest triplet (red triplet) from one episode in one picture (two pictures actually). That is all. I hope to create icons for other characters and cartoons and comics, if I have the opportunity.
If you want to see pictures of the iconic Dewey Duck look here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/670862385307893760/dewey-duck-from-quack-pack-icons-ive-posted
If you want to see pictures of the iconic Louie Duck look here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/664431415688036352/louie-duck-from-quack-pack-icons-somewhere-i-saw
Of course, those who love this version of Huey Duck and love this duck, feel free to like this or reblog this.
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god-mouths · 2 years ago
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spidermen and one kingpin
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
this valentine’s day i would like to profess my undying, ardent love for the callistephus chinensis (china aster)! the flower that contributed to me giving myself my name!!
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not only are they a part of the (superior in my opinion) family of asteraceae, but also the genus’ (callistephus) etymology is derived from the greek words “kalli-” meaning “beautiful” and “stephos” meaning crown. they have beautiful chrysanthemum-esque blooms and come in all sorts of colours (my favourites being purple and white).
straying away from taxonomy a bit, asters in general are one of the birth flowers for september (my birth month!). they symbolise hope, faith and wisdom. and according to greek mythology, astraea (“star maiden”: goddess of purity, justice and innocence) cried because there weren't enough stars in the sky and when her tears hit the earth, they caused asters to bloom! continuing to follow the greek myth, she was the last goddess to live amongst the humans after the golden age, symbolising the decline of hope for humanity along with the decline of the ages. she left and became the constellation virgo i believe!
some more fun fun facts, asters have a most frequently observed number of n = 9 haploid chromosomes (2n = 18 for diploid). the numerology of the word “aster” also happens to be nine and guess what! september is the 9th month of the year! is it obvious i really like the number 9? almost as much as i love asters <3
String identified:
t at’ a t g, at t cat c (ca at)! t tat ctt t gg a!!
t a t a at t ( ) a ataca, t a t g’ (cat) tg t g “a-” ag “at” a “t” ag c. t a at cat- a c a t c ( at g a t).
tag aa ta a t, at ga a t t t ( t t!). t , at a . a accg t g tg, ataa (“ta a”: g t, tc a cc) c ca t 't g ta t a ta t t at, t ca at t ! ctg t t g t, a t at g t agt t a at t g ag, g t c at ag t t c t ag. t a ca t ctat g !act, at a a t t = 9 a c (2 = 18 ). t g t “at” a a t a g at! t t 9t t t a! t a t 9? at a c a at <3
Closest match: Caligus rogercresseyi isolate FCH chromosome 9 Common name: Sea louse
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bogleech · 10 months ago
Could I mayhaps know what's the name of that arachnid field guide you have 0//0 it looks really pretty and I have. A thirst for all arachnid related field guides and biology books, love those critters
The Golden Guide to Spiders and their Kin! There were lots of them, originally made in the 60's or 70's I believe, and they used to still be so common when I was a kid - still in print, and sold for just a couple dollars everywhere - I thought everybody had a few! But now they seem to be forgotten.
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I had the spiders one, insects one and "seashores" one (mantis shrimps and nudibranchs!!) before I could even read, just looking at the pictures all day. As I learned to read they were how I learned concepts of taxonomy and ecology, why I knew what a "parasitoid" was in first grade and I'd talk constantly about insects that aren't really RARE, but culturally most people never heard about. These books made things like velvet ants, bolas spiders and hairy millipedes seem to me like knowledge as ordinary as dogs and cats.
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That "pests of animals" page in particular is why I knew there were wingless parasitic flies, and I thought that was so cool, I was obsessed with "SHEEP KED" for my entire childhood. This bug that nobody ever heard of when I mentioned it, but was at one time deemed worthy of inclusion in an everyday field guide. And they include "duck louse" as an animal pest you're expected to encounter. Sheep and duck parasites?!.....Oh, right! When these books first published, it was still commonplace for almost everyone to have experience with farm animals. Most people at least had grandparents or aunts and uncles with a farm they might visit and help out on. Of course they would encounter sheep and duck parasites. I think they still publish these, actually, I'm sure I still saw them in Barnes and Noble only a few years ago, but it's remarkable what a different America they were made under. My old copy even recommended DDT to control bed bugs....they did eventually edit that out in newer editions.
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Some of their attitudes may be outdated here and there, and they're only intended for North American wildlife, but I think the golden guides might still be perfect introductions to their topics for anyone, anywhere of any age really?? They're such well-balanced overviews so densely packed with just the most essential information about each organism.
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....Did people really ever just call tree frogs "hylas?!" It's one of their genus names, but was it also used as a common name anywhere? That's a cute idea. Maybe it was, briefly, so at some point to someone there was a concept of Frog, Toad, and Hyla?
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antipathy-arsonist · 1 year ago
I think bugs are super fuckin’ cool
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amurih · 11 months ago
Fuck it ima put it out anyway.
COTL AU where instead of staying in the cult Narinder leaves and builds his own little plot of land that becomes a rare occurrence you find while crusading through the different biomes post game.
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Like it starts off when the lamb like spares Narinder and he’s like sent to the cult. And is in such a state of shock and bewilderment of what just happened that he doesn’t really know that the lamb is setting up their wedding until he’s at the alter. And he just SNAPS. To trade one prison for another? And to be stuck with the same being that not only took your crown, but your title as the god of death as your jailer? No thank you. Proceeds to walk out while the service is still going.
(I’m not the kind of person to think that he would be murdering or plotting to kill the lamb at every turn or possibly. No I would think that Narinder is smart enough to realize that he cannot fight the lamb in the condition that he is reduced to.)
Anyway, I want Narinder to experience life post-godhood by himself outside the cult. Maybe progressing over time you see how his plot of land develops into a pretty nice home for himself complete with a garden and an actual building/house. Not a hut, but an actual house.
All the while the lamb is going through it. It’s normal game play like one would post Narinder fight. Lore, upgrades, reviving the bishops, mystic seller, etc. All the while experiencing the highs and lows of ascension. I think the lamb would ask the other bishops once they get indoctrinated of how they went through their ascensions went. Only they would tell them that each went through theirs differently, so in the end it wasn’t really helpful.
So going through a process that you have no idea how to get through and the only person who does has fuck off into the land and hates your guts. Really fucking sucks man. So they try to “catch” Narinder while out crusading. Only they don’t find him physically, they find his place of residence while he is away.
I thought of a way to incorporate the quests that Narinder gives you when he is usually established in the cult. Could still be used: like there’s a book left on a table where you could peak in and see what’s going on with the cat that is currently away from his house.
“ I should head to Darkwoods and see if I can find more materials to build that fence and make more paper. Moving materials from one abandon home stead to this place has been challenging enough. My arms hurt after years of being bound to one position for so long...I wonder if camellias still bloom there now that Leshy is gone? If not I’ll have to develop a new alternative for this persistent strain and sharp pains I keep having. Got to get these walls up before it starts raining.”
“Bah! There’s not enough food at the last abandoned settlement let alone seeds. It’ll take long of a walk all the way to smuggler’s cove just to see if that sea louse got any thing. And it hasn’t been that long since the depletion of fish at pilgrim’s passage. I would have just stuck to what vegetables and berries I’ve got growing, but some animal or heratic keeps getting into my garden and stealing my food!when I find the person or thing that is stealing from me I’m going to make them into my fertilizer. In the meantime I should look into Anura and see if those foul mushrooms are still there. If I remember they are just as foul as Hecket when she would screamed about being hungry during dinner…Those should hold me over until I get this unwanted pest under control.”
“The wind and rain coming in through the holes on the side of the house that I use to see if any heretics come to kill me, has gotten too much. I’m tired of having to clean up the puddles of water that enters the home. And the curtains don’t do much in terms of trying to block both of these elements.That stupid squid Kallamar doesn’t need his crystals now that he’s gone. It didn’t help him when trying to hide from me. I’ll go to Anchordeep tomorrow and get some to make crystal windows. They sure would make it more beautiful than their temple…”
“Finally the loom is ready. It’s been a such a long time since I had decent robes. It’s easy to find cotton, but what I really want is a nice, soft, silk robe. One that doesn’t rub against these scars preferably. I miss the old one Shamura they made with their silk. But, that one got destroyed in the fight with that damn vessel. Maybe there is some in Silk Cradle. ”
(I’ll come back to this when I flesh it out more via work time daydreams)
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nightwalker6200 · 1 year ago
Dad Gojo Headcannons:
I know the timelines/ ages are messed up with quite a few but I love little kid Meg and Tsumiki: I'll post more as I think of them :)
Gojo almost always has glitter or stickers somewhere on his clothes/ person. He normally doesn't notice and can go the whole day with a cat sticker or blue glitter on his back/ pant leg.
Gojo once handed back a report that Tsumiki had drawn all over. Yada keeps it tucked away in his desk.
Tsumiki and Megumi drew all over several graded papers (accidently) that Gojo then handed back. Inumaki, Maki, Yuta and Panda hung them up on their walls in the dorms.
Inumaki and Yuta are no longer allowed to babysit Tsumiki and Megumi. Yuta ended up being the responsible adult (basically babysitting 3 kids), and Inumaki ended up with a makeover. He wore the makeup for three days straight until Maki ended up dragging him to the baths, demanding he take a bath because he looked like a sadistic clown who just broke up with their boyfriend.
Gojo knows how to do hair. He practiced on Shoko despite her complaints and can braid neatly.
Tsumiki likes to paint nails and uses Gojo as a test subject when he's asleep - once during a fight, a villian had to stop because they couldn't take Gojo seriously with bright purple nails.
Gojo is surprisingly a good cook. He failed horrendously at first but learned from Shoko, Nanamin, and even Tsumiki. He quickly learned how to make the kids' favorite dishes.
Gojo knows all of the gossip at school and constantly gossips with Tsumiki about her classmates. Tsumiki always has the dets/ drama/ tea.
Tsumiki likes to be close to someone when she's upset or sick or hurt. Megumi only likes to be close if he feels really bad.
Gojo almost always has candy on him, something Inumaki and Panda take advantage of (he's used to stopping bickering between the kids so he throws it at any problem).
Megumi is the hardest to put to bed. He sneaks around, finding new ways to try to stay up past his bedtime and around the Six Eyes.
Gojo has a lot of guilt over Tsumiki's accident. He tears up almost every time he visits her and spent a week drunk after it had happened. He gave her permission to go (even though she would have gone anyway being a teenager) and feels as though he failed at his promise to protect her.
The first time Tsumiki took a boy to the school dance; Megumi and Gojo stood at the door, arms crossed, staring menacingly at the boy until Tsumiki was ready to leave. Gojo might have threatened him... Megumi might have summoned his dogs, who stood at his side, growling.
Gojo has millions of pictures on his phone of the kids, including his students.
Gojo gets squeamish over pulling out Megumi's loose teeth. Tsumiki always has to do it for him, or Megumi will rip it out, mouth full of blood.
Despite his protests, Gojo showed up to every classroom visitation Megumi had in elementary school. He went to Tsumiki's too (who was over the moon).
Gojo once paid a kid money to stop crying. The kid was probably Yuuji.
When Tsumiki has nightmares, she will loudly barge into Gojo's room whereas Megumi will stand quietly at the foot of the bed or side of the bed and wait until Gojo notices him. Gojo has almost punched the 8-year-old several times.
Tsumiki begs Gojo to read to her or tell her stories when they have down time. Megumi lurks in the hall, at the end of the couch or in the shadow, listening. He secretly likes it just as much as his sister.
Gojo knows all the lyrics to all of the Taylor Swift songs. He finds himself humming them at random, and him and Miki sing them loudly in the car to annoy Megumi.
Megumi and Tsumiki got lice from school. Gojo freaked and spent three days with his hair under a shower cap and hat despite Shoko telling him he didn’t have it. He even begged Nanamin to let him sleep over. Megumi threaten to master a louse as a shikigami to freak Gojo out.
Megumi tries to sneak attack/ scare Gojo at random. Tsumiki is the only one who has succeeded.
Gojo playing Barbie or stupid things like store or restaurant. He’s very dramatic and almost always asks to speak to the manager who is Gumi. Gumi tells him to piss off and never come back.
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little-desi-historian · 5 months ago
A listing of 18th Century slang compiled by Leon Bienkowski and posted to the Revlist in 11 installments–last posting in June, 2000
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A listing of 18th Century slang compiled by Leon Bienkowski and posted to the Revlist in 11 installments–last posting in June, 2000:
“The terms listed below were mostly gleaned from Partridge’s Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. There is a bit of a nautical bent to this list because of my own peculiar specialty, but there should be plenty of amusing and useful terms for everyone.
Your underly industrious servant,
Lee Bienkowski”
Abbess - a woman who is a brothel keeper
Abraham-sham - a feigned illness
Academician - a whore
Cast up one's accounts - to vomit
Admiral of the Blue - a publican
Admiral of the Narrow Seas - a drunk who vomits into a neighbor's lap
Adrift - discharged
Adzooks! - an expletive
Air and exercise - a flogging at the cart's tail
Akerman's hotel - Newgate prison
All Nations - a mixture of drinks from unfinished bottles
Amen-curler - a parish clerk
Amidships - the belly
Anatomy - a very skinny person
Bring one's ass to an anchor - sit down
Anne's fan - thumbing one's nose
Talk like an apothecary - talk nonsense
Apple-dumpling shop - a woman's bosom
Hang an arse - to hold back
Arse upward - in good luck
Ask bogy - an evasive reply
Avast! - Stop!
Not to know B from a bull's foot - to be ignorant
Bacon-faced - full-faced
Bacon-fed - fat and greasy
Empty the bag - to tell everything
Heavy baggage - women and children
Bagpipe - a long-winded talker
Bailed man - a man who has bribed the press gang for immunity
Baked – exhausted
Banbury story – nonsense
Bark at the moon - to agitate uselessly
Barnacles – spectacles
Barrel fever - ill health caused by excessive drinking
To grin like a basket of chips - to grin broadly
Bear - a very gruff person
Beer-garden jaw - rough or vulgar language
Bring to one's bearings - cause to see reason
Drink like a beast - to drink only when thirsty
Beau-Nasty - finely dressed but dirty
To go up a ladder to bed - to be hanged
Beef-head – idiot
Beggar-maker - a publican
Belly-gut - greedy, lazy person
Bender - a sixpence
Bird-spit - a small sword
Bit of red - a soldier
Black arse - a kettle
Black cattle - a parson
Give a bottle a black eye - empty a bottle
Blashy - rainy weather
Blood and 'ounds! - an exclamation
Blue as a razor - extremely blue
Blue stocking - a learned woman
Blue tape – gin
Shift one's bob - to move or go away
Bog orange - a potato
To marry old boots - to marry another man's mistress
Bosom friend - a body louse
To have some guts in one's brains - to be knowledgeable
Brandy-face - a drunkard
Brattery - a nursery
In bad bread - in a disagreeable situation
Break-teeth words - words hard to pronounce
Gold bridge - an easy and attractive means of escape
To be stabbed with a Bridgeport dagger - to be hanged
Broganeer - one with a strong Irish accent
Brown cow - a barrel of beer
Brown George - ship's biscuit
Buck fitch - an old lecher
Like bull beef - big and grim
Bull calf - a big clumsy fellow
Bull's eye - a crown piece (5 shillings)
Bung one's eye - drink heartily
Bung upwards - on his face
Butter-bag - a Dutchman
Buttock-ball - a dance attended by prostitutes
Calfskin fiddle - a drum
Cant a slug into your breadroom! - have a drink!
Caper - to be hanged
Captain Copperthorn's crew - all officers
Captain Grand - a haughty blustering man
Captain Tom - leader of a mob
Cat-sticks - thin legs
Caterpillar - a soldier
Caulker - a dram
Chalk - to strike someone's face
Chatter-broth – tea
Christened by a baker – freckled
Cinder-garbler - a female servant
Cite stage - the gallows
A house of civil reception - a brothel
Clapper-claw - to thrash someone soundly
Clicker - one who shares out the booty
Closh - Dutch sailors
Coach wheel - a crown piece
Cock and pie! - a mild oath
Coffee-house - a water-closet
Cold cook - an undertaker
Comb-brush - a lady's maid
Comb one's head - to scold
House of commons - a privy
Condiddle - to steal
Conveyancer - a thief
Cool crape - a shroud
Corinth - a brothel
Make a great harvest of a little corn - much ado about nothing
Corporation - a large belly
Cotswold lion - a sheep
Country-put - a silly rube
Covent Garden ague – VD
Crab lanthorn - a peevish fellow
Crinkums – VD
Crown-office - the head
Cucumber - a tailor
Cut throat - a dark lantern
Swear like a cutter - swear violently
The dam of that was a whisker - a great lie
Dangle in the sheriff's picture-frame - to be hanged
Dasher - showy harlot
Drunk as Davy's sow - very drunk
Deadly nevergreen - the gallows
The devil among the tailors - a row or disturbance
Devil-drawer - a bad artist
The Devil may dance in his pocket - he is penniless
Diddle – gin
Gone to the Diet of Worms - be dead and buried
Dilly - a coach
Dog Booby - an awkward lout
Enough to make a dog laugh - very funny
Dog-vane - a cockade
Dog's portion - a lick and a smell
Dog's soup – water
Go dot and carry - a person with a wooden leg
Double Cape Horn - be cuckolded
Roby Douglas with one eye and a stinking breath - the breech
Draggle-tail - a nasty, dirty slut
Draws straws - to feel sleepy
Drury Lane vestal - a whore
Duke of limbs - a tall awkward fellow
Dull-swift - a stupid fellow
Die dunghill - die cowardly
Drunk as an emperor - regally drunk
Dustman - a dead man
Dutch concert - everyone plays or sings a different tune
Dutch feast - the host gets drunk before the guests
Earwig - a malicious flatterer
Ensign-bearer - a drunkard
Eternity box - a coffin
Expended – killed
To have fallen down and trodden upon one's eye - to have a black eye
Hove no-one's face but one's own - to be penniless
Facer - a glass full to the brim
Make faces - to beget children
Faggot - a man hired to appear on a muster-roll
Fallen away from a horse load to a cart load - to become fat
Fantastically dressed - very shabby
Fegary - a prank
Fiddler's money - all small change
Fiddlestick's end – nothing
Finger-post - a clergyman
Fire a gun - introduce a subject unskillfully
To have been fed with a fire shovel - to have a big mouth
Fish-broth - salt water
Flag of defiance - a drunken roisterer
Flag of distress - the cockade of a half-pay officer
Flap with a fox tail - a rude dismissal
Flapdragon – VD
Flash the gentleman - pretend to be a gentleman
Flash it away - show off
Flats and sharps – weapons
Flawed – drunk
Flay the fox – vomit
Flump - an abrupt or heavy fall
Fly in a tar box - nervously excited
Foreman of the jury - one who monopolizes a conversation
Foul a plate - dine with someone
Frenchified - infected with VD
Frig-pig - a fussy trifler
Froglander - a Dutchman
Full as a goat - very drunk
Fustilugs - a dirty slattern
Gallied - hurried, vexed or over-fatigued
Gallows – enormous
Game pullet - a young whore
Gammon – nonsense
Gardy-loo - Look out! (Garde l’eau)
Gaskins - wide breaches
Gentleman in red - a soldier
Gentleman's companion - a louse
Melancholy as a gib cat – dispirited
Give one's head for washing - to submit to be imposed upon
Glass-eyes - person wearing spectacles
Glorious - ecstatically drunk
Glue-pot - a parson
God permit - a stage coach
Golden grease - a bribe
To find fault with a fat goose - grumble without cause
Play old gooseberry - play the devil
Gospel-shop - a church
Gotch-gutted - pot-bellied
Grapple-the-rails – whiskey
Green-bag - a lawyer
Greenwich goose - a Greenwich Hospital pensioner
The cat's uncle gringog - a grinning idiot
Groggified – tipsy
Ride grub - ill-tempered
Guinea-gold – dependable
In the gun – tipsy
Gundiguts - a fat pursy fellow
Gut-foundered - extremely hungry
Half an ounce - a half crown
Half seas over - half drunk
Hand like a foot - clumsy handwriting
Hang-gallows look - a villainous appearance
Hanktelo - a fool
Swallow a hare - to get exceedingly drunk
Under hatches – dead
Young hemp - a graceless boy
Hempen bridle - a ship's rigging
Hen-frigate - a ship bossed by the captain's wife
Herring-gutted - tall and very thin
To be on the high ropes - be very angry
Study the history of the four kings - to play cards
Old hock - stale beer
Hog in armor - a finely dressed lout
To drive one's hogs to market - to snore
Holiday - a spot left unpainted
It's all honey or all turd with them - they're either friends or bitter enemies
Off the hooks – peevish
Hopper-arsed - large bottomed
Send for a horse ladder - send on a fool's errand
Horse's meal - food without drink
Irish apricot - a potato
Irrigate - take a drink
Itchland – Scotland
Jack Adams - a fool
Jack in an office - an imperious petty official
Jack of legs - an unusually tall person
Jack Weight - a fat man
Jakes - a privy
Jaw-me-down - a very talkative fellow
Die like Jenkin's hen - die unmarried (Scottish)
Have been to Jericho - be tipsy
Jerrymumble - to shake
Going to Jerusalem - to be drunk
Jimmy Round - a Frenchman (from Je me rends)
Be laid up in Job's dock - be treated in hospital for VD
You are Josephus Rex - you're joking
Kerry security - breath the oath and keep the money
Kicksees – breeches
Kill-devil – rum
One of King John's men - a small man
Clip the King's English - to be drunk
Knob - an officer
Knock-down - strong liquor
Laced mutton - a whore
Ship the white lapel - be promoted from the ranks
Lazy as the tinker who laid down his budget to fart - very lazy
Cut one's leg - become drunk
Lay one's legs upon one's neck - run away
Lie with a latchet - tell a great lie
Light-timbered – weak
A line of the old author - a dram of brandy
Little house - a privy
Live lumber - passengers in a ship
Live stock - body vermin
Looking glass - a chamber pot
Lotman - a pirate
Louse-land – Scotland
Lumping pennyworth - a great bargain
Mab - to dress carelessly
Mag – chatter
Maltoot - a sailor
Man-a-hanging - a person in difficulties
Married to Brown Bess - enlisted in the army
Mauled - exceedingly drunk
Make mice-feet of - destroy utterly (Scottish)
Milk the pigeon - attempt the impossible
Load of mischief - a wife
Who put that monkey on horseback without tying his tail? - a very bad horseman
Monkey's allowance - more rough treatment than money
Mopus - a dull, stupid person
Morris - to decamp
Mourning shirt - a dirty shirt
Look like God's revenge against murder - look very angry
Eat one's nails - do something foolish
Navel-tied - to be inseparable
Born on Newgate steps - of criminal extraction
Nip-cheese - a purser
Dead as a nit - quite dead
Make a bridge of someone's nose - pass the bottle past someone
He numbers the waves - he's wasting time
Oaken towel - a cudgel
Give one his oatmeal - to punish
Off the hooks – crazy
Old Robin - an experienced person
Open lower-deckers - to use foul language
Overshoes, over boots – completely
Take the owl - become angry
Paddy-whack - an Irishman
Cut's one's painter - send a person away
Palette - a hand
Paper-skull - a fool
Parleyvoo - the French language
Parson Palmer - one who slows passing the bottle by talking
Make a pease-kill - to squander lavishly (Scottish)
Penny lattice-house - a low ale-house
To drop off the perch - to die
Peter-gunner - a bad shot
Peter Lug - one who drinks slowly
Pintle-merchant - a whore
Piper's wife - a whore
Tune one's pipes - begin to cry
Piss more than one drinks - said of a braggart
Pitt's picture - a bricked up window
When the plate-fleet comes in - when I get my fortune
Plump currant - in good health
Pontius Pilate - a pawn broker
Popper - a pistol
Prattle-broth – tea
Princod - a plump, round person (Scottish)
Alter the property - disguise oneself
Prow - a bumpkin
Public ledger - a whore
Pudding-bellied - very fat
Pump ship – urinate
Punch-house - a brothel
Rabbit hunting with a dead ferret - a pointless undertaking
Rag-water - bad booze
Rammaged - tipsy (Scottish)
Rapping – perjury
Red-letter man - a Catholic
Remedy-critch - chamber pot
Repository – a jail
Rib-roast - to thrash
Ride as if fetching the midwife - to go in haste
Ride the forehorse - to be early
Cry roast meat - boast of one's good fortune
Roast-meat clothes - holiday clothes
Rocked in a stone kitchen - a little weak-minded
Rogue in spirit - a distiller
Royal image - a coin
Rum gagger - one who tells false sea stories of hardship
Loose in one's rump – wanton
Rusty guts - a blunt, surly fellow
Buy the sack - become tipsy
Saddle the wrong horse - lay blame on the wrong person
Saddle one's nose - wear spectacles
Salamugundy - a cook
Salt eel - a thrashing with a rope's end
Sandy - a Scotsman
Sauce – VD
Sawney - a Scotsman
Sawny - to whine
Scald - infect with VD
Scandal-broth – tea
Scarlet horse - a hired horse
School of Venus - a brothel
Scotch casement - a pillory
Sea-crab - a sailor
Sea-lawyer - a shark
Settler - a parting drink
Shab-rag - very worn
Shake a cloth in the wind - be hanged
To have been dipped in the Shannon - to be very forward
Shapes - a name given an ill-made man
Keep sheep by moonlight - hang in chains
Sheep's head - a very talkative person
Shifting ballast - soldiers aboard ship
Shiners – money
Make children's shoes - to be occupied with trivia
Shreds - a tailor
Shut-up house - land headquarters of a press gang
Sick of the idles - a very lazy person
Silver-cooped - deserting for the merchant service
Sky-blue – gin
Snabbled - killed in battle
Smart as a carrot - very smartly dressed
Go a snail's gallop - move very slowly
Soldier's bottle - a large bottle
Solo player - a very bad musician
Sot-weed – tobacco
The Sovereign's parade - the quarterdeck of a man-of-war
Spanish trumpeter -a braying donkey
Spoil pudding - a long-winded preacher
Squire of the placket - a pimp
Stiff-rump - a haughty person
Take a stink for a nosegay - be very gullible
Stoupe - to give up
Strip-me-naked – gin
Sunburnt - having many children
Surly boots - a grumpy person
Surveyor of the highway - a reeling drunk
In deadly suspense – hanged
Keep a swannery - to boast
Purser's swipes - small beer
Swizzle – liquor
Tallow-breeched - having a large bottom
Tears of tankard - liquor stains on a waistcoat
Tea-voider - a chamberpot
Thornback - an old maid
Three skips of a louse - worth little or nothing
Tickle-pitcher - a drinking buddy
Tiff - thin or inferior liquor
Tilly-tally – nonsense
Tilter - a small sword
Swill like a tinker - drink immoderately
Make dead men chew tobacco - keep a false muster
Tol-lol - pretty good
Tongue enough for two sets of teeth - a very talkative person
Blast your toplights! - Blast your eyes!
Topping man - a rich man
Pay one's debts with the topsail - run off to sea leaving unpaid debts
Tripes and trillabubs - nickname for a fat man
Trunkmaker-like - more noise than work
Untwisted – ruined
The Urinal of the Planets – Ireland
Vaulting school - a brothel
W, X, Y, Z
As wise as Waltham's calf - very foolish
Wamble - an uneasiness in the stomach
War-caperer - a privateer
Water bewitched - weak beer
Water in one's shoes - a source of annoyance
You have been to an Irish wedding - you have a black eye
Whigland – Scotland
Whisk - an impertinent fellow
Whister-clister - a cuff on the ear
Whither-go-ye - a wife
Wife in water colors - a mistress
Windy – conceited
Wrapt in warm flannel – drunk
Yea-and-Nay man - a Quaker
Znees - frost
Source. Further reading. regency. hardcover edition.
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theramseyloft · 10 months ago
Hello, I'm developing an enrichment guide for small animals in my shelter and your blog was very helpful with grimace scales, I was wondering if you had found any more for animals like reptiles, birds, and hedgehogs?
I'm afraid not, but I can go through the rescue folder to show some expressions of discomfort and unwellness.
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We'll use Ankhou (May he rest in peace) as our baseline for a comfortable, healthy pigeon.
Like most birds, pigeon eyes are nearly frozen in their sockets.
They have neither whiskers, lips, nor external ears to grimace with.
So their expressions are mostly in the position of their heads, necks, and tails, and which groupings of feathers are raised or flattened.
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This is an expression of supreme comfort.
Just a little squinty. Forehead and neck feathers fluffed up.
Everything else smooth and relaxed.
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This was Passenger's arrival photo. (Some of you may have remembered her having been in the news.)
Note the curve of her neck, the low dip of her tail, sunken eyes and thin, drawn beak.
The half lidded eyes are an extreme expression of pained exhaustion.
Pigeons, even when hurt, are hypervigilant, and will be wide eyed more often than not.
She is extremely dehydrated and malnourished in this photo, barely able to stand.
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Look at the difference, post recovery.
Especially at her stance (keenly alert), eyes (bright and clear), and beak (much more fleshed out).
In her case, the sunken eyes and thin beak in particular warned that she was extremely dehydrated.
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Archie, on arrival, is scared and in pain, having suffered a broken wing from a vehicle strike.
Note the ruffled throat and tightly tucked head.
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Same young bird, having healed.
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Bridget, on arrival, had a broken wing and leg on the same side. (Also a vehicle strike.)
A little older than Archie, keenly interested in the food in front of her, and absolutely ravenous, but you still see the neck folded and head tucked.
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This was when she first started putting weight on her healing foot.
She's terrified of me: note the huge pupils and ruffling of her shield feathers.
She's threatening to box me with her broken wing.
Note the almost angular ruffling of her neck feathers and how far between her shoulders her little head is tucked.
That defensive posture hurts.
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Here she is, still terrified of me, but now fully healed.
Look how her head is positioned.
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Yes, this is still Bridget.
She does have a neck! XD
In the loft, she's curious. Still scared of me, but I am more familiar than the flock of strange pigeons.
She's trying to figure out what perch to aim for.
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Pete suffered a cat bite to the wrist of the wing facing the camera and an injury to his eyelid.
It's in a bad spot, right between the joints, and the inflammation response is so intensely painful that she can't flex her little wing.
Notice the tightly tucked head, ruffled throat, and over all hunched appearance.
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Here, she is no longer in any pain; just scared.
Being in the pigeon hospital is terrifying for ferals.
It's bad enough being confined to a tiny cage, but vaccines, worming, weekly louse dips, and in this case daily antibiotics are an absolute hell of an introduction to living in human care!
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Pete just has a very long skinny neck and tiny head with a fine featured face.
But, fully healed, despite the god awful molt, you can see the difference in her posture and even the wideness of her eyes.
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Pierce was an extremely lucky hawk strike survivor.
It's a minor miracle that no vital organs were damaged!
But there is the extreme pain hunch in a bird whose injuries are fresh.
Note the set of the head between the shoulders, forward lean, and ruffling at the throat with feathers flattened very tightly otherwise.
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This is the same bird, after all three talon holes healed.
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Licorice was an interesting case!
Tied by zip tie and string to a steak in the ground for dog bait and suffering a teratoma in her breast muscle.
This is defensive posture.
She is not injured or in any pain, but she is scared, and looking for an opportunity to escape the carrier.
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The teratoma (A bizarre tumor made of, in her case, random feather material in a keratin capsule) has no nerves, and her skin formed a neat little pocket around it.
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Here she is after the teratoma was removed.
Not by any stretch thrilled to have me so close for pictures, but bright eyes and alert, confident I am not going to attack her.
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Orion was a sad malnourished mess.
Note the lack of tail feathers, the baldness of his face, skinny toes, and shrunken beak.
Once again, head sunk down between his hunched shoulders, neck folded under it in a tight S curve that pushes the throat feathers out.
Very slight squint to eyes that would be wide with alarm were he not just exhausted from his state of starvation.
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Poor little vulture child!
He's very excited for food in this photo, but since you can see his skin so well, look how much less pinched it is around the base of his beak now that he is no longer suffering severe dehydration.
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Coal had the very good fortune to come in healthy and old enough to self feed.
He was just separated from his flock weeks before he'd have been able to fly.
He isn't in pain or ill.
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Being dipped and wormed sucked!
So coal is NOT happy to see me a week after that last photo!
But note that his shoulders are not hunched.
While his neck is folded and his head is low, it isn't sunk down in between his shoulders.
The nape of his neck is fluffed up.
This is defensive threat posture.
He's scared, but warning me that he'll box and bite me if I get any closer.
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Coal has been here a few weeks at this point.
He's not happy to see me. Dips and meds still suck.
But they don't hurt, and I get them done with pretty quick.
So he's nervous on this photo.
He's not looking forward to what ever I am about to have to do, but it's sunk in that he's not going to die or be injured.
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Bug free and ready for adoption, Coal was not happy about having his pigeon business interrupted for a photo, but he's only mildly annoyed, not nervous or overtly afraid.
Now, let's look at the second most commonly rescued breed: Racing homers.
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This is Grayson: Who was found crashed out hungry in 2016.
This bird failed a race.
Because they were bred to be wartime messengers, and their messages were of absolutely vital importance, the impulse to stop mid return flight to forage has been bred out of Racing Homers.
When released away from their loft, they only stop when they get home, or if it's gotten too dark to fly.
Once the food in their crop runs out (usually something extremely fatty like peanuts, for the highest possible density of fuel), their body starts digesting their muscle.
The flight muscles of a pigeon are roughly 1/4 of their overall weight.
Once they lose enough of that, they can't get off the ground anymore.
It takes about three days of non stop flight for this to happen, and a good two to four solid weeks of rebuilding condition before they can physically fly again.
Note Greyson's hunch and drooping tail, but the keen alertness in his eyes compared to the ferals.
He is not injured or sick.
He is suffering exclusively from the rapid muscle atrophy unique to racing homers who have failed a race or training toss.
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This is the same bird, post recovery.
Just doesn't like being asked to pose.
Meat much more evenly surrounds his keel, and his wings no longer look to be too big for him.
Look at the way his cere has filled out compared to the previous photo.
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Mark most likely got lost on a training flight.
You can tell by his poorly developed cere that this is a very young bird; not quite sexually mature.
Note the weird, flat angle of the chest and downward tilt of the head.
He trapped into a chicken coop in desperation to escape a bad storm, and unfortunately picked up worms from the chickens, and giardia likely from dirty puddle water.
This photo was taken just a little before he became severely symptomatic, while he was still able to hide being sick.
He almost died from the giardia.
He was so exhausted and dehydrated from constant diarrhea by which his body tried to expel the protozoan parasite that he didn't have energy to eat and had to be force fed several small meals a day for a few weeks until he had the strength to feed himself.
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Here he is the last week of quarantine, anxious about being handled for his update photo, but no longer sick.
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And here he is fully recovered and showing off his very full crop, but having the worst molt!
I hope this meander through a small percentage of my rescue folder has been enough to help you see the pattern.
It's more in the overall posture than the facial expression, as pigeons largely lack the facial muscles and features that give mammals such expressive faces.
Look for a head sunken between hunched shoulders and a drooping tail.
The more hunchy the bird, the tighter tucked head, and the further the tail droops, the more severe the discomfort.
A dramatically bobbing tail signifies a struggle breathing, the causes of which can range from anxiety to pain to physical obstruction of the air ways.
Partly lidded, sunken eyes and a shrunken beak along with a slight wobble or tremor should signify an emergency; severe dehydration.
The extremely drab, brown tinged feathers that Orion displays are a symptom of nestling malnutrition.
Most likely, his mother was malnourished when she laid the egg, and his parents could not find enough food to support the rapid growth of a baby pigeon.
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Ankhou came in years later from the same area; the parking lot of a strip mall where feral pigeons are trapped and eradicated.
He's four or five weeks old in this photo, by the length of his flights, which were the only feathers he had, because his body did not get enough to grow both bones and feathers.
It took him six months to feather out fully.
And almost a year to molt into his full adult plumage.
Well, that went a little off topic. >.<
But I hope it helped.
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mapsofnonexistentplaces · 3 months ago
2, 20, 22 for the reading ask game 🤓
2 Did you reread anything? What?
i hardly ever count it because its such a short read and its so essential to my creative process but i reread the de-loused in the comatorium book like once every few months (if not more) because its still such a fresh look at Writing as a craft in general. there's a pdf of it on my website please go ahead and read it its maybe my favorite case of like. "outsider art" in writing
this is my favorite excerpt of it
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20 What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
the end of warrior cats asc because i got so sick of hearing about that arc. i didnt read it. i hardly remember what happened. but im so glad its over.
22 What’s the longest book you read?
technically the longest book ive started was the worst journey in the world, but i am far from finishing that one and just taking it slow lol. i think in terms of completed books it might be the collection of chopin letters. ive been reading them out in epub form so i actually didnt know how long it was but its apparently like 600 pages so Yeah i think thats pretty long regardless. and also technically i didnt finish the chopin letters either but i only have like a small handful of them left ill probably get around to finishing them in the coming days. not much to say about that since its memoir type stuff but he was a very very funny man and also a very disabled man. respect
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delicatefury · 2 months ago
In the last 36 hours I-
Was told I needed to be early at my new job the next day to help the judge get ready for a zoom hearing.
At 8pm learned my niece has lice, again. (Someone in her class is in denial about having lice because this is the third time she’s caught them this school year).
Learned she’s been itchy for two weeks and just didn’t tell anyone
Found a friggin’ louse in my hair.
Ran into my younger sister and brother-in-law at Walgreens as she had also found evidence of lice in her hair.
Went through a full Nix treatment.
Spent 3+ hours at my younger sister and brother-in-law’s house so they could help comb my hair out. Most of that time was combing my hair for nits.
Watched the lice episodes of Schitt’s Creek and Bob’s Burgers while getting my hair combed out. and the parasite episode of Futurama because my sister nixed the South Park lice episode.
still had to strip my bed, treat it for lice, and figure out what I’m supposed to do about clothes for the next day when I got home.
Got to bed at 1 AM.
Learned I could use my clothes steamer to treat the clothes I wanted to wear and all my knitwear.
Had the power go out for 5-10 minutes. Terrified my travel clothes steamer was somehow to blame.
Skipped my workout so I could still take my dogs on their walk.
Learned the outage was the power company being stupid when I stopped by the coffee shop on the walk.
Made it to work barely before the girl who was supposed to show me how to get the judge’s computer set up for the hearing.
Found another living louse in my hair right before the end of the workday.
Learned my niece got the infestation from a slumber party over winter break.
Learned they make ivermectin shampoo.
Stopped from spending another $40 by older sister advising Nix killed majority, just need to keep combing with the nit comb for the rest of the week.
Spent two hours relentlessly doing laundry and vacuuming the places of the house I use the most.
Went to my sister’s house for another round of combing.
Saw many dead lice in the bowl of water used to clean the comb.
Realized the louse from earlier probably came from my work chair.
Got back home after only an hour.
Kept doing laundry.
accidentally let the cat escape. The dogs were useless in catching him this time. He dove right under the deck.
Took 20 minutes, a can of tuna, and a pack of Iams wet cat food to lure him back.
Got yelled at by my cat for forcing him to go inside and away from the great big freezing cold world he wanted to explore.
Had to give the bastard the wet food anyway because I accidentally ripped the foil when I snapped the two portions apart (see: spell of summon cat).
Gave the perfectly behaved little lady cat the other portion because she was a perfect little princess and did not cause me trouble today.
Gave the dogs the containers to lick because they were annoying and it was the only way to keep them from stealing the actual cat food.
I still have to replace the sheets on my bed and start one last load of laundry before I go to sleep. I love my niece, but I’m about ready to shave her head myself at this point.
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lesboyroxannewolf · 9 months ago
Ight we have been tagged SO
Too lazy to tag people so, feel free to join if you wanna
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
Thank you for running this blog; I haven't been able to do any biology based work since college, which means that I miss a lot of the environment and the love of learning. This is a very silly blog, but it's reminiscent of what I haven't had a chance to participate in. Have a good weekend, if your time zone allows, and a scant few extra hours of a flat fuck Friday to you
String identified: Ta g t g; a't a t a g a c cg, c a tat a t t t a t ag. T a g, t t' ct at a't a a cac t atcat . a a g , t a, a a cat ta a at c a t
Closest match: Lepeophtheirus salmonis strain IoA-00 genome assembly, chromosome: 15 Common name: Salmon louse
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0ccams-chainsaw · 1 year ago
House Md more like
Louse Md
Grouse Md
Joust Md
Mouse Md
Oust Md
Bauhaus Md
Sauerkraut Md
Douse Md
Gout Md
Haus Md (German)
Outs Md
Pouts Md
Rouse Md
Vows Md
Wows Md
Rows Md ( British accent)
Yaois Md
Blouse Md
Spouse Md
Luaus Md
Zeughaus Md
Mickey Mouse Md
Dylan sprouse Md
Cat and mouse Md
Wodehouse Md
Amy Winehouse Md
Welcome to our house Md
Brussel sprouts Md
Please add more, this is my house fanart idea generator
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